Monday, July 15, 2013

Perfumes...I Love To Use Them

Perfumes...I love the different varieties, the different scents and the different manufacturers. The only thing that is a downfall are the prices. Well if you want really good quality perfume, you have to pay for it. There are the imitations but the scent don't last long. But they are ok for daily use, pretend you are using the original ,you just have to touch up every hour or so to maintain the scent lol. Perfumes makes you feel and smell good and completes your outfit.

Body sprays are also good for regular daily use. If you are going to the groceries or just malling. Victoria's Secret is one brand that is very famous and they have different scents. There are also those made in Singapore which are cheaper and the same problem, the scent does not stay on long.

So if it was my choice, I would rather stick to the original brands. One thing you are sure of good quality and the scent stays long.

Before choosing a scent or brand, if they have testers, try them first. Some scents will not go well with all body chemicals. Like the sweat and skin. I prefer the woodsy mixed with floral and citrus for daily use. I love the romantic and exotic smell for formal affairs.

I have a collection of VS body spray and lotion but I like Amber Romance, Secret Charm and LoveSpell. Actually these were scents given to me and luckily it goes well with my body chemicals :). There were others but I really did not like them, they much too strong.

Now in perfumes I have Chanel No. 5, Juicy Couture, White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor, Tabu and my favorite Daisy by Marc Jacobs. Wow seems expensive brands? Well they were all given as gifts :).

I was given these scents from my brothers in the US and I'm glad the go well with my body scents. I especially love the Daisy. I am glad I have relatives and friends who give me these as gifts because if I bought them here in the Philippines, uhmm it's kind of expensive. At least I know they are originals. Actually one time my older brother bought a couple of Chanel No. 5 because it is my mothers favorite. But he was kind of doubtful because it looked lighter and the smell was faint. So when he went home to the US he wrote the company and complained, good thing they gave him 4 new boxes and original for sure. They apologized for their dealer and even let him keep the fake ones. since he gave us the originals, I gave one of the fake ones to my helper, made her happy. The original scent is there but you can tell it was watered, just does not last as long.

I also try other brands and scents, especially for daily wear like body sprays. As long as I don't get allergic and the scent is pleasing so people around you won't be disturbed by your smell. That is also another thing you have to consider before buying and wearing perfume. Not too much to be overbearing and not too sweet or musky, you also have to consider the people around you especially the one you are with :). It must be pleasing to them too.

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