Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May the month of Fowers and Agua de Mayo

There are many beliefs about this Agua de Mayo or the first rain of May. Some people call the rain holy water. Some say it would only be considered Agua de Mayo if it rains on May 1. But some consider what ever day it rains in May it is the first rain of May. I was listening to the news about the different beliefs. They say if you take a bath on the first day of rain in May it will bring you good luck and washes away any illness and skin problems. Also if you collect the rain and have it blessed by a priest the holy can cure and protect us from harm and evil. Some say it will eliminate evil. Whatever beliefs, it seems that it brings good luck and is favorable for everyone.

In May all the flowers seems to bloom. In the US I read it is the beginning of spring, here it is the rainy season. Flowers need water and sunshine to bloom. My bushes and trees that looked bare before they begin to blossom too. The sampaguita, bougainvillaea, the roses, suntans and even some unidentifiable flowers lol. This is the only thing I like about the rainy season, trees and flowers bloom. Every plant and grass begin to look healthy. The streets and roofs get washed out. Oh that reminds me to clean the rooftops, lol, because if you don't clean it when the rains come all the dry leaves, dirt, etc will get washed to the gutters and clog. Also time to clean the street gutters or canals so we don't get water overflow.

I loved to take a shower under the rain. we would even soap and shampoo and our hair was soft after. I think all children should experience it one time or another :)

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