Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Movie Review - Olympus Has Fallen

I thought this was a movie that was shown last year but actually just this March 2013. I love to watch action-filled movies. It keeps  you alert and interested. Now how can I make a review that wont be a spoiler for those who has not watched it yet?

I also noticed that there is another movie just showing with the title "White House Down"?Hmm it seems as the plot is almost the same. The White House in the US, the house of the President gets overthrown by terrorists or other military groups.

In Olympus has Fallen, they are Korean terrorists. In the White House down they are paramilitary invaders. They both have the secret service people involved, one a former head and in the other one who was trying to become one.

I have not watched the "White House Down" yet. I am planning to next week. Then I will make a review and compare them both.

It also seems that the main characters are both hunkes lol. In Olympus has fallen it is Gerard Butler an older but ruggedly handsome guy. I love the way he acts and his good looks isn't just a pretty face but the aura he exudes... Hmmm wouldn't mind dating him lol. In White House Down it is Channing Tatum. Now he is also a good looking hunk. That is another reason why I am going to watch it.

Both also have families involved in the first one it is the President's son and in the other the daughter of Channing.

I watched the Olympus on DVD on my wide screen Tv so even my helpers watched. There was one statement a reporter said in the movie that really got me. He said " the White House, the most heavily secured place in the world, has been taken". Imagine if that ever happens, what will become of the rest of the world?

I wonder if the scenes will be the same? Maybe there will be similarities.

I love war movies. They are more realistic than aliens and zombies (I also watched World War Z, not knowing it was a zombies movie. I gave that a 3 1/2 - 4 stars.)

I would recommend this movie  Olympus Has Fallen (I give it a 4 star rating :) So I think this was a great movie and very action-filled since the start.

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